The brother of Afshan Azad, the actress who plays Harry Potter's classmate Padma in the Warner Bros. film franchise, has pleaded guilty to assaulting her. Ashraf Azad, 28, will be sentenced in Manchester Crown Court in January for what prosecutors said was an attack over the actress' relationship with a Hindu man.
Azad's father was also involved in the incident, in which the family branded Azad a "prostitute" for dating outside of their Muslim religion, according to the BBC.
Azad said that in addition to her brother's physical attack, both her father and brother threatened to kill her. Azad's father denies any wrongdoing and was cleared along with his son of the threat charges.
Ashraf Azad is free on bail on the conditions that he does not contact his sister or travel to London.
Azad first appeared as Padma Patil in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. She is a native of Manchester, England.