The film, produced by Kumar Mangat and Krishika Lulla, has a character named Guppy who apparently dresses like Lahiri and even sings songs.
Lahiri’s counsel Sangeeta Mandal is quoted as saying: “We have sent a legal notice to the producers Kumar Mangat and Krishika Lulla, and director Kirit Khurana. It is regarding the character Guppy in the film, but I cannot divulge any details.”
On the other hand, Mangat and Lulla are surprised that Lahiri has gone to the court without calling them to clear the air.
The film stars Ajay Devgan and Kajol in lead roles and has been directed by the first-timer Kirit Khurana. Kirit says the character Guppy dresses up like Elvis Presley and not Lahiri.