She joins the unit of Race-2 in July with Saif Ali Khan and then goes into Kick with Salman Khan. Rumours say that she is also kicked about the fact that she is being considered for Kunal Kohli's film with Shahid Kapoor, Prabhu Devaa's film with the Khiladi Kumar...and wait there is more. We now hear that Sonakshi may be seen in Anurag Basu's film Silence (the title is being changed shortly) alongwith Ranbir Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra.
Yup, this is the same film that Katrina Kaif turned down because she felt that Piggy Chops had a better role than her. Neither Sonakshi nor her manager are willing to comment on her films with Shahid and Ranbir. But the industry is buzzing with the news already.